Tree Removal Newcastle

Tree removal is the process of cutting down and removing a tree from a location. This may be necessary for a variety of reasons, such as if the tree is dead, diseased, or posing a safety hazard. Tree removal can be a complex and dangerous task, and it is typically best to hire a professional tree service to do the job.

Tree removal involves removal of a tree(s) or vegetation, through either direct or indirect actions including, but not limited to:

  • clearing
  • topping or cutting
  • poisoning
  • destroying the structural integrity of a tree by excavation, grading, or trenching in the dripline area of a tree.
  • relocation of an existing tree to a new location.

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Why Remove a Tree?

There are several reasons why tree removal might be necessary, ranging from safety concerns to environmental health

Health of the Tree

  1. Dead or Dying Trees: A tree that is no longer alive or is in a state of significant decline poses several risks. Dead trees can fall without warning, presenting immediate danger. They are also more susceptible to becoming hosts for pests and diseases, which can spread to nearby vegetation.
  2. Disease and Infestation: Trees suffering from diseases or infestations can pose risks not only to themselves but also to other plants and trees in the vicinity. Diseases can weaken the structure of a tree, making it more likely to fall, while pests can spread rapidly, causing widespread environmental damage.
  3. Damage and Injury: Trees that have been damaged by storms, winds, lightning, or human activities may have structural weaknesses that make them unsafe. Cracks, splits, or hollow areas can significantly compromise a tree’s stability.

Safety Concerns

  1. Risk of Falling: Trees that are structurally unsound pose a risk of falling, which can result in injury to people and damage to property. This risk is heightened during severe weather conditions such as storms or heavy winds.
  2. Proximity to Structures and Power Lines: Trees that grow too close to homes, buildings, or power lines can pose significant risks. During storms, limbs or the entire tree can fall, causing damage or power outages. Additionally, roots can damage the foundations of structures or underground utilities.
  3. Obstruction and Visibility: Trees that obstruct the view from driveways or roadways can create hazardous conditions for motorists and pedestrians. Removal might be necessary to ensure visibility and safety.

Aesthetic and Practical Reasons

  1. Landscaping Changes: Sometimes trees are removed to make way for new construction, landscaping projects, or to provide space for other plants to thrive. Removing trees can also be a part of changing the aesthetic or functional layout of a garden or property.
  2. Sunlight and Space: Trees can block sunlight from reaching other plants, lawns, or solar panels. In densely wooded areas, thinning out trees can help to let in more light and encourage biodiversity.
  3. Property Value: Well-maintained properties are generally more valuable. Removing dead, dying, or unsightly trees can improve the overall appearance and value of a property.

While trees are valuable components of the ecosystem and the environment, there are situations where removal is justified for safety, health, or practical reasons.

However, it's crucial to approach tree removal responsibly. This involves consulting with professional arborists who can assess the condition of the tree, consider all options, and perform the removal safely if necessary. By taking a thoughtful and informed approach, it's possible to balance the benefits trees provide with the need to mitigate risks and maintain safe, healthy environments.

Woman worker removing a tree

Why Should I Hire A Professional Arborist?

Large tree removal is very dangerous.

Hiring a professional arborist to manage the trees on your property can offer numerous benefits, ensuring the health of your trees and the safety of your surroundings. Here are several reasons why engaging the expertise of a professional arborist is crucial:

Expertise in Tree Health and Maintenance

  1. Disease and Pest Management: Professional arborists have the knowledge to diagnose and treat tree diseases and pest infestations that might not be apparent to the untrained eye. Early detection and proper treatment can save a tree from dying and prevent the spread of issues to other trees.
  2. Proper Pruning: Pruning is essential for the health and growth of trees, but it must be done correctly. Improper pruning can lead to tree stress, growth of weak branches, and increased susceptibility to diseases and pests. Arborists understand the different pruning techniques and can apply the appropriate method to enhance the tree's structure and health.
  3. Tree Nutrition and Soil Management: Arborists can assess the specific nutritional needs of your trees and the condition of the soil they are growing in. They can recommend fertilisation techniques and soil amendments to improve tree health and vitality.

Safety and Liability

  1. Risk Assessment: Arborists can evaluate the structural integrity of trees, identifying potential hazards such as weak branches, decay, or structural imbalances. They can recommend measures to mitigate risks, such as pruning or cabling, or decide if tree removal is the safest option.
  2. Professional Equipment and Techniques: Arborists have access to specialised equipment and are trained in the safest techniques for climbing, pruning, and removing trees. This minimises the risk of accidents and injuries that can occur with DIY attempts.
  3. Insurance and Liability: Professional arborists are typically insured, protecting you from liability in case of accidents or damage to your property. This is an important consideration, as tree work can be dangerous and costly if things go wrong.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

  1. Permits and Regulations: Many areas have specific laws and regulations regarding tree removal, pruning, and other maintenance activities. Professional arborists are familiar with these regulations and can ensure that any work is compliant, avoiding potential fines and legal issues.
  2. Boundary and Property Issues: Arborists can help navigate issues related to tree boundaries, such as roots affecting neighboring properties or branches hanging over property lines. They can provide solutions that respect legal boundaries while maintaining tree health.

Long-term Tree and Property Management

  1. Strategic Planning: Arborists can develop a long-term care plan for the trees on your property, addressing immediate issues while considering future growth, health, and aesthetic goals. This can enhance your property's appearance and value over time.
  2. Emergency Services: In the event of storms or other emergencies, arborists can provide rapid response services to remove fallen trees, secure damaged ones, and mitigate further risks to people and property.
  3. Value Preservation: Healthy, well-maintained trees can significantly increase property value. Professional arborists can help maintain the beauty and health of your trees, contributing to the overall value and appeal of your property.

Hiring a professional arborist provides access to specialised knowledge and skills essential for maintaining tree health and safety. An arborist's expertise helps ensure that your trees are properly cared for, which can enhance your property's appearance, safety, and value. Additionally, professional arborists can navigate legal and safety regulations, reducing your liability and ensuring that tree work is done safely and effectively.

What are the Risks of Removing a Tree?

Tree removal, particularly of large trees, is fraught with risks and dangers, making it a task that should only be handled by professionals.

Physical Risks and Safety Concerns

  1. Injury to People: The immense size and weight of a tree's trunk and branches can be fatal if they fall on someone. Falling limbs, incorrect use of tools, or the tree falling unexpectedly can result in severe injuries or fatalities.
  2. Damage to Property: Trees positioned close to homes, vehicles, or other structures pose a significant risk of property damage during removal. A tree's collapse, if not properly managed, can demolish roofs, break windows, or damage other properties.
  3. Electrical Hazards: Trees located near power lines exponentially increase the risk of electrocution and fire. The proximity to electrical lines requires additional precautions and often the involvement of utility companies to either move the lines temporarily or to ensure safe removal practices.
  4. Tool and Equipment Risks: The use of chainsaws, ladders, cranes, and other heavy equipment in tree removal presents inherent risks. Improper handling or equipment failure can lead to accidents.

Environmental and Legal Risks

  1. Environmental Impact: The removal of large trees can significantly impact the local ecosystem. Trees provide habitat for wildlife, shade, and contribute to air quality. Their removal should be considered carefully with respect to environmental impacts.
  2. Legal and Regulatory Issues: There can be legal ramifications for incorrectly removing trees, especially those protected by law or located in designated areas. Local laws, homeowner association rules, and conservation regulations can affect how and if a tree can be removed.

Planning and Operational

  1. Accessibility and Proximity to Structures: The location of the tree can significantly impact the removal process. Limited accessibility may require additional equipment or techniques, increasing complexity and risk. Trees close to buildings or other structures require precise planning and execution to avoid damage.
  2. Staging and Technique: Large trees may need to be removed in stages to manage risks effectively. This process requires careful planning and execution, as each section of the tree must be safely cut and removed without causing harm or damage.
  3. Underestimating the Task: Overconfidence or lack of experience can lead to underestimating the complexity and dangers associated with tree removal. This is a task that requires considerable expertise, knowledge of tree physics, and familiarity with the appropriate techniques and safety measures.

Given these risks, it's imperative that tree removal, particularly of large trees, is approached with caution and planning. It is highly recommended to consult with or hire experienced, certified arborists who can assess the situation accurately and carry out the removal safely and efficiently. Proper assessment, planning, and execution can mitigate these risks, ensuring the safety of people, protection of property, and preservation of the surrounding environment.

Can I Remove a Large Tree Myself?

NO!  Tree Removal is dangerous work and requires expert and experienced professionals.

Chainsaws can be hired hire, however those available to hire by homeowners are usually much smaller and less powerful than those used by professionals, so may not be suitable for your job.

BUT MOST IMPORTANT - Why put yourself or your family at risk to save a 'few bucks'!

What Equipment Is Used For Large Tree Removal?

Specialist equipment is required to remove your tree and will depend on how big it is.

Typically we use:

  • Cherry picker
  • Chainsaws of various sizes
  • Woodchipper
  • Safety equipment – chainsaw pants, helmet, safety glasses, steel-capped boots, ear plugs, dust mask, gloves

Safety is our FIRST priority.

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